Monday, November 27, 2006

What is a QAM Tuner and do I need it?

This question was posted on an answer site:
What is a QAM cable tuner and do I need it in my HDTV?

My Response:
A QAM tuner is basically your HD Cable Tuner, similar to that of a cable card, but if you are going to be using an antenna for reception of your local channels, or satellite then you will not be using the QAM tuner. You're not paying for it in the sets anymore, its pretty much a requirement now to be in there, but the funny thing about the QAM tuner is that most cable companies won't broadcast in a way to allow them to be used, you've got to go through their box or cable card. Cable card and QAM tuners are nice options to have down the road, as the regulations on cable are lifted, if you happen to select a TV with those features then you'll be ok, and you're not paying extra for them like you would have 2 years ago. Hope this helps.

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